The Government of Canada continually develops initiatives to support innovative businesses investigating technologies and methods to help the country grow. However, financial support from these programs is not always available, and organizations should be aware when applications open and close to increase their chances of securing funding. One funding source for pioneering companies is the Energy Innovation Program (EIP). This initiative supports the development of clean energy technologies that will facilitate a smoother transition to an economy less reliant on carbon and empower Canada to reach its climate change goals. This program offered several funding streams, unfortunately; none are accessible for businesses at this time.
What Is the EIP?
The EIP is run by the Office of Energy Research and Development (OERD), the lead agency guiding the Government’s work to enhance innovation in energy and cleantech programming. With support from the OERD, the EIP provides funding for research, development, and demonstration initiatives, as well as related efforts. The program states four missions that enable it to stimulate clean energy innovation in Canada, including:
- Augmenting processes to promote fewer energy emissions and greater efficiency
- Accelerating electrification to elevate the advantages of using low-emitting heat and power
- Creating cleaner techniques for obtaining fuel
Preserving flexible yet safe energy systems that protect Canadians in the ever-changing energy environment.
What EIP Funding Streams Are Open?
While the EIP consists of four unique funding streams, none are open for new applications, and only one is currently still processing applications — Clean Fuels and Industrial Fuel Switching. This stream funds projects seeking to increase the usage of clean energy in sectors where mitigating carbon emissions is traditionally more difficult, such as heavy industry.
The stream is divided into three segments focused on distinct aspects of clean energy. These focus areas include:
Industrial Fuel Switching
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) designated $50 million to this focus area, which supports initiatives that display the potential to reduce carbon fuels or feedstock in several industrial sectors, including cement, iron and steel, chemicals and fertilizers, and smelting and refining.
These projects seek to better understand the features of lower carbon fuels and how they affect current industrial processes and systems. They plan to promote innovative technologies and methods that will boost the effectiveness of these fuels, as well as the redesigning and retrofitting required to transition. Lastly, implementing lower carbon fuels and feedstock should decrease greenhouse gas emissions and energy intensity.
Clean Fuels Production
These efforts focus on developing, advancing, and directing pre-commercial technologies that will minimize the capital and operating expenses of producing clean fuels. As with industrial fuel switching, NRCan also reserves up to $50 million for this focus area.
Besides designing processes for new clean fuel production, these projects also strive to affect the efficiency of fuel production using more complex feedstock and improve the usability of waste feedstock.
Hydrogen Codes and Standards
These initiatives aspire to develop, revise, and unify the codes and standards for hydrogen production, consumption, transportation, and storage. NRCan will devote up to $3 million for this third focus area.
EIP 2022 Application Deadlines – Closed
The expression of interest period for the Clean Fuels and Industrial Fuel Switching stream closed on February 2, 2022, and review processes by an expert panel has already occurred. Those who have been accepted should also have submitted full project proposals in the spring. Successful applicants are encouraged to take the next step and also explore other funding opportunities.
Check the Easly blog for future updates to this program. Consider looking for alternative funding by reviewing your grant opportunities.
While the EIP can be vital for organizations focused on clean energy initiatives, some businesses may need additional financial support to boost their existing capital mix — and they can turn to Easly for solutions.
Seek Clean Energy Funding in Canada with Easly
Easly works with organizations that attain government funding, such as Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credits, to accelerate their funding through Easly Advances. With our online Capital-as-a-Service platform, these companies obtain easily-accessible, non-dilutive, and on-demand funding to stimulate groundbreaking innovations.
Get started today to begin utilizing our services or to learn more about clean energy funding in Canada.