Calculate Your Easly Cash Flow Potential

Access non-dilutive funding for your business. Use our Easly Cash Flow Calculator to estimate the value of the Easly Advances you could receive.

Need help determining your SR&ED refund amount? Use our SR&ED calculator to get an estimate.

SR&ED Calculator

Easly Cash Flow Calculator

Easly offers non-dilutive financing to organizations expecting an SR&ED refund. Access working capital for your business with Easly Advances.

Your Results

Amount available this month

(Including facility available from previous year, if applicable)

Total Annual Facility

(Current Year)

Easly Cash Flow Schedule

Easly Cashflows

Locked Up SR&ED Value

  • *For illustrative purposes only. Work with our experts to determine exact amounts.
  • *Assumes SR&ED expenditures are evenly distributed throughout the year.