Draw Request

Fill out the form below to request another drawdown.

Draw Request Information

Confirm Address Information

Business Information

SRED Consultant Information

Place for Iframe
Please upload the following documents.  While you cannot upload more than one document per item, you can click 'Add another response' to provide up to 3 other documents for the related request.
Three most recent month’s bank statements of all accounts referenced on the Balance Sheet provided
Cap Table
Cashflow Forecast for next 6 months
Current Balance Sheet and Income Statement (YTD as of end of last month)
Previous Year’s Financials (P&L and Balance Sheet)
CRA Grant Access
We have set up a Group ID under ESFC Funding Co., LLC. If you haven’t already done so, please grant Group ID G3CN6L view only (Level 1) access with no expiration date in your CRA My Business account so we can continue to monitor your account.

Please provide an Authorized Representative pdf that clearly indicates level of access. 
CRA Grant Access - Level 3
We also require that you provide our VP of Operations, Rita McCarter Alcala, Rep ID WV2X923 with Delegate authority, update, and view (Level 3) access to your CRA MY Business account (all accounts) in order to ensure compliance with the Tax Credit Facility Agreement.

Note: if you have added Rita with Level 1 access previously, you will need to cancel this access and re-add her as Level 3.

Please provide an Authorized Representative pdf that clearly indicates level of access.
If filed, please upload a copy of your T2/T661 if not, please provide in an excel format your SR&ED estimate sheet for the period in section four.  Your estimate should include a refundable amount calculation for Provincial and Federal final figures. 

Note: if the expenditure has not been paid in full, please do not include it in your calculations. 
In addition, your SR&ED spreadsheet should include these supporting details:

Employee’s full names & job titles
Number of years’ experience
Degrees (ex. MSc in Software Engineering)
Wages & percentage of time spent on SR&ED by project
Identify if any employees own 10% or more of the company
Contractor expenditures (include full business name)
Materials (if any) and a short description of their use
Government assistance received (grant/subsidy deductions)

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